Well, you see, not everyone possesses the audacity to call a spade a spade. Fortunately, I have a sister who possesses what it takes to confront people and I'm slowly learning from her. I recently told one of my oldest friends (and someone I thought to be a dear friend) to fuck off and stop with her body shaming. I said: look, I'm aware that I'm putting on weight, you don't need to remind me of that every time you see me or a picture of mine. Yayyy. There are no words to describe the joy I felt after finally saying that to her after years of being referred to as a 'hog.'
So, as I was saying, growing up helps us set our priorities right. Over the years I've seen people not so serious about life or with low morality become dedicated professionals and honest comrades and that's because they have had a change of perspective along the way. Not that being impulsive is bad, I am one impulsive kid myself but what I'm hinting at is the inner journey we all embark upon at one point in our lives.
I finally came to the EFLU campus after a year of online classes and I cannot tell you how much learning, unlearning and relearning I do here everyday while communicating with my peers from across the country. This change of place is doing me good and I feel like I'm becoming more appreciative of whatever I've accomplished which is very important to achieve all that I wish to attain. My inner circle here comprises of three very positive people and they have taught me so much along the way. I think its important that we read people just like we read books, so that we can pick lessons from their journey. Doing this has helped me develop an opinion about many things which I earlier passed off as too technical for a mind like mine. I lived in oblivion before and now that I'm letting my guard off, I see that there's an ocean of knowledge that I'd been denying for the last few years. Life is really short to experience and learn about all that this world has endured. But with a little zeal we can cover a significant amount of this and perhaps that's my resolution for 2022 - to keep the thirst for knowledge alive! Here's to bettering ourselves everyday and getting rid of whoever and whatever brings down our morale!